Cybersecurity Engineering
JASINT has mastered “the book” on federal cyber security standards. Our experts provided subject matter expertise to clients around the world. Our expertise are include of but not limited to:
• Risk and Vulnerability Assessments
• Penetration Testing
• Cyber Hunt
• Advanced Information Sharing via Cross Domain Soutions
• Secure Systems Architecture
• Risk Management Framework (RMF) expertise – NIST 800.53 to include overlays
We apply these practices to help our federal agency partners achieve their missions without disruption by cyber attack or data degradation. JASINT conducts risk and security assessments, applying NIST Special Publication 800-30 to measure cyber risk, identify security gaps and develop roadmaps for agencies to improve network security.
JASINT is also one of the few companies able to architect, integrate, and sustain Raise The Bar (RTB) compliant enterprise level and mission specific cross domain solution capabilities for key government stakeholders, decisionmakers, and mission organizations.